Connected communities growing
fresh produce together
HGWT currently supports three community gardens on Waiheke.
Beginning as grassy plots of land, each garden has been nurtured into a hub of positive activity by volunteers. There is always space for more people to get involved, and it's a great way to learn about gardening, meet the neighbours, and grow food resilience on Waiheke.
Community gardens foster belonging.
They bring a diversity of people together to develop gardening skills and learn from each other. They provide opportunities to socialise and meet new neighbours.
Community gardens
build resilience.
They improve air quality, restore degraded soil and encourage pollinators. They provide accessible fresh produce that is grown locally, reducing its cost and carbon footprint.
Community gardens improve health.
Gardening is known to improve both physical and mental wellbeing, relieving stress and evoking a sense of fulfilment. Eating more fresh produce is associated with better self-esteem, mood, and general health.

A developing food forest on Council-owned land that follows Robin Wall Kimmerer’s honourable harvest kaupapa. The produce is shared by community members who contribute to caring for the garden, and the wider public through the GROW stall.
A ShareWaste hub: you can drop off food scraps to be composted.
Located behind the Old Surfdale Post Office, 6 Hamilton Rd
Working bee
First Sunday of each month, 10am-12pm

A gift from the Ostend Vets, this allotment garden is on private land accessible to garden members and volunteers. All allotment owners contribute to the upkeep of the garden and the GROW beds which are harvested for the wider community.
A ShareWaste hub: you can drop off food scraps to be processed by worm farms and hot composting systems.
Located beside the Catherine Mitchell Centre and behind Vets on Waiheke, 30 Putiki Rd
Working bee
Second Sunday of each month, 9:30am-12pm
Hands-on composting workshop
Every Friday, 9-11am

A garden made of raised beds on Council-owned land, Blackpool is based on the value of reciprocity. Community members plant and care for garden produce which goes to the GROW stall and those who volunteer their time in the garden.
Located beside Old Blackpool School, corner of Moa Ave and Nikau Rd
Working bee
Third Sunday of each month, 9:30am-12pm

All are welcome to help out at the working bees: tools are provided, and each Sunday finishes with a morning tea of shared kai.
We ask that everyone value the efforts of our garden volunteers. These community members invest time to plant, water, weed, compost and care for the produce until it is ready to harvest. To reciprocate this, they take some of the produce home for their dinner tables. All the gardens contribute to the wider community via the GROW stall: this is the public's chance to get fresh and affordable produce if they can't help at working bees.
Please do not pick from the garden plots if you are not contributing to upkeep of the gardens.

Redistributing local produce and seedlings to the community
Every Saturday, our GROW stall is at Ostend Community Market from 8AM until all of that week’s produce is gone. The three community gardens grow and harvest for the GROW stall each week, making fresh seasonal fruit, veggies and herbs more accessible and affordable for all.
We invite the Waiheke community to buy from the GROW stall for what they can afford. All proceeds go back to the community gardens and other local food resilience initiatives that we fund.
Have surplus produce from your own garden, extra seedlings, flowers or other garden-related goodies that you would like to give to the GROW stall? We will gratefully accept.
In the spirit of reciprocity, people can also come with some of their produce and swap it for something else at the GROW stall. We love to see a mutual exchange of local abundance happening on Waiheke.
A roster of volunteers manage the GROW stall: if you don’t have a garden but want to support this initiative, we'd love to have you on board as a member of the team.
CONTACT US to get involved.

The first step is to conduct a detailed site analysis and formulate a brief. This is normally carried out during a couple of meetings with our client.
Seasonal foraging at your fingertips! This map shows publicly accessible spots that you can explore for fresh produce throughout the year.
Can’t compost at home or want some more organics? The Sharewaste app has your back. It connects people with food scraps to neighbours who are already composting or keep farm animals.