Home Grown Waiheke Trust (HGWT) was established as a Charitable Trust in 2015 after being a local community group for three years. With up to eight volunteer Trustees at any time, HGWT operates on Waiheke Island. Our main activities are supporting the community gardens, umbrellaing community groups, and giving out small grants to projects that align with our aims.

A self-sufficient Waiheke community that can grow and has access to nutrient-dense, locally grown, affordable and culturally appropriate food.

Growing food improves mental and physical wellbeing

Composting enhances soil health

Everyone has the right to an abundance of accessible food

1. Advance the public benefit by carrying out gardening and composting projects that will increase food resilience and self-sufficiency in food production on Waiheke.
2. Educate the Waiheke community on methods and principles of sustainable food production.
3. Alleviate poverty on Waiheke by supporting individuals, families and communities to grow and share low-cost, healthy food.
4. Undertake research and trial alternative methods of cultivation to ameliorate the effects of climate change on local growing conditions.
5. Share information with, and work with other groups and individuals who adhere to similar objectives and principles.
Read our Trust Deed here.


A community garden made of raised beds on Council-owned land, Blackpool is based on the value of reciprocity.

A developing food forest on Council-owned land that follows Robin Wall Kimmerer’s honourable harvest kaupapa.

A gift from the Ostend Vets, this allotment garden is on private land accessible to garden members and working bee volunteers.

An independent people-led food movement on Waiheke intended to support and grow resilience across all aspects of the Waiheke food system.

HGWT is open to umbrellaing other community groups applying for funding, as long as there is an alignment in respective aims. Please get in touch with us if your group needs a legal entity in order to apply for a grant.

Small grants (usually under $500) are available throughout the year for projects that will increase food resilience and sustainable food production on Waiheke.
There are no funding rounds; the HGWT Board will consider any application as it is sent in, and endeavour to respond within two weeks.
To apply please fill in the form below.